Don’t Under Index The #1 Skill For Business Success

When speaking at industry events, local business groups or even with clients, the one thing I’ve noticed over the years is owners under indexing LEADERSHIP for one or more of the following reasons.

  • Technical Focus: Since most auto shop owners come from a technical background, they may prioritize technical training over leadership development.
  • Time Constraints: Running an auto repair shop can be time-consuming, feeling caught up in the day to day. This can leave owners with little time to invest in training and prioritize immediate operational needs over leadership development.
  • Lack of Awareness: Owners may not recognize the importance of leadership training and its impact on their success in all five areas of business (sales, marketing, operations, people, and financials.
  • Perceived Cost: Leadership training can seem expensive, especially for small businesses operating on tight budgets. Owners may hesitate to invest in training without a clear understanding of the return on investment and effort.
  • Self-Reliance: Most auto shop owners often pride themselves on being self-reliant and believe they can figure out leadership on their own. However, effective leadership often requires learning and guidance from different perspectives for the greatest impact. Leading yourself vs leading others is very different.

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Most owners understand the value of their team/employees to the growth of the business and that’s where the value of leadership lies. Top talent wants to work and collaborate with a confident leader that makes an impact on their community and the automotive industry.


  1. Listen & Pay Attention – To questions, information, and feedback.Making people feel heard makes you a better leader.
  2. Be Respectful – People won’t follow a leader they don’t respect. Get respect by showing respect to others. Be an example.
  3. Be Humble & Ask Questions – Builds confidence, Encourages critical thinking, Catch small issues. You don’t know it all. Everyone has blind spots.
  4. Be Encouraging – Everyone goes through tough stuff. Support them, Makes them feel understood, Work through obstacles.
  5. Admit Mistakes – Don’t hide them or make excuses.Builds trust among team, Sets a positive example, Builds a culture of learning from mistakes.
  6. Choose Incentives Wisely– Everyone works towards the same goal, Misalignment causes frustration, inefficiency, and confusion. Don’t allow incentives to sacrifice other areas such as customer service.
  7. Words Matter – Give Negative Feedback Tactfully – People are ok with constructive feedback if done respectfully.Don’t attack. Praise in public, Feedback in



The reality is you can’t run a shop alone if you expect to grow. You will reach your capacity quickly and most clients tell me it was at the expense of their personal life. Be mindful of early habits that can keep you stuck for years.

Leadership plays a crucial role in the success of an auto repair shop, just as it does in any other small business.

It’s the driving force behind every successful auto repair shop. Sure, you’re fixing and maintaining vehicles, but behind the scenes, your leadership sets the tone for everything. It’s about rallying the team, keeping everyone on the same page, and making sure customers leave happy. You set the course, navigate through challenges, and lead everyone to success. So, whether you’re inspiring, making tough calls, or collaborating, strong leadership is what keeps your business thriving and sets you apart from the competition. Think of leadership as your competitive edge.

Maryann CroceMaryann Croce, a certified partner of Todd Herman’s 90 Day Year™, is a coach/speaker and creator of ‘3-Day Weekends’ System. Her company Small Biz Vantage specialized in performance and leadership for automotive and skilled trade business owners. She has been an auto shop owner since 1999. 

You can reach Maryann at (203) 913-7741 or Maryann speaks on strategies to achieve work-life fulfillment