3 Common Repairs You’ll Encounter After Auto Body Training

Picture this: you’ve just finished your auto body training, you’re all geared up, and you’re excited to use your new skills. As you step into the world of fixing cars, where there’s the constant noise of tools and the smell of paint, what kind of challenges will you be dealing with? If you’ve learned your stuff at a prestigious auto body college, like at CATI school, you can be sure that there’ll be no obstacle too difficult for you to surmount. If you’re passionate about cars and wish to make a significant impact in the auto body repair world, the right training will set you on the path to success.

Car problems come in all shapes and sizes. Having said that, there are three common fixes that you’ll probably be tackling first. Let’s take a closer look at these top three repairs that are waiting for you on this exciting journey!

1.Dent Repair

Dents are perhaps the most common auto body damage seen on vehicles. Whether they result from minor fender benders, stray shopping carts, or hailstorms, dents can be both an eyesore and a challenge. With proper auto body training, however, addressing these imperfections becomes an achievable task.

Auto body repair school graduate addressing hail damage on car bumper
Dents happen for many reasons, from hail damage to stray shopping trolleys, auto body training school teaches you how to rectify this unsightly damage no matter the cause.

Most auto body colleges, including CATI school, will spend significant time teaching techniques for dent repair. These techniques range from the Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) process for minor dents (which maintains the original paintwork and finish) to more intensive procedures for larger dents that might require filling, sanding, and repainting. Mastery of dent repair is crucial, as it’s a frequent request you’ll get from clients.

2.Paint Touch-ups and Refinishings

Scratches, chips, and scuffs are the usual culprits that tarnish the gleaming finish of a vehicle. Even with the utmost care, wear and tear from daily use or the occasional scrape against a rough surface can result in paint damage. After your auto body training, you will be well-equipped to handle these kinds of cosmetic flaws.

Auto body college courses emphasize the importance of proper colour matching and technique in paint applications. At CATI school, for example, students are taught to perfect the art of ensuring that any touch-ups seamlessly blend with the vehicle’s existing paint. This involves a thorough understanding of colour codes, paint types, and the correct equipment usage. The goal is always to restore the vehicle to its original, pristine condition or better!

Auto body repair school graduate inserting new bumper on vehicle
Automotive body training school ensures you have the skillset to handle bumper replacement and repairs.

3. Auto Body Training School Covers Bumper Replacement and Repairs

Bumpers, being at the forefront (and rear) of a vehicle, are prone to damages. From low-speed collisions to accidentally backing into obstacles, bumper issues are widespread. Fortunately, with the skills acquired from an auto body college, these repairs can be efficiently handled.

Bumper repairs can range from simple cosmetic fixes to full replacements, depending on the extent of the damage. In some cases, it might be a matter of patching up minor cracks and repainting, while more severe impacts could require the entire bumper to be replaced. With comprehensive training from institutions like CATI school, technicians are prepared to assess, decide, and deliver the best solution for every situation.

Are you looking for a world-class auto body college?

Contact CATI for more information.

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