How To: Sorting Saved Quotes in ProDemand

Do you have numerous saved quotes in ProDemand? Sorting them makes it easier to find what you need.

At the top of the saved quotes table are five headings. You can click on these headings to sort the list by that column. The default sort lists the quotes by the Last Save Date, with the most recent at the top. You will see a small white triangle next to the heading name. If the triangle points down, the table is sorted in descending order. If it is pointing up, the table is sorted in ascending order.

The Last Save Date column will sort from newest to oldest and vice versa. The Name and Company Name columns will sort alphabetically, either up or down. The Vehicle column will sort by the Year and then reverse alphabetical order. VIN will sort alphabetically and numerically, and vice versa depending on the sort order.

ProDemand Saved Quotes

The quotes default to Last Save Date, but you can filter by any of the headers.

About the Author

Abagail Lucero

Abagail Lucero is the Product Marketing Manager for ProDemand. She joined the company in 2011 as a member of the SocialCRM shop marketing team and has served in many roles at Mitchell1, lastly as Security and Compliance Supervisor. Abagail holds a Bachelor of Science degree from California University of Pennsylvania.