Exploring Educational Opportunities with NADA and ATD

Exploring Educational Opportunities with NADA and ATD

The comprehensive NADA and ATD programs, complemented by an extensive array of resources, foster excellence and innovation within the automotive retail landscape.

In the dynamic world of automotive retail, continuous learning and skill enhancement are the keystones to success. The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) and American Truck Dealers (ATD) stand at the forefront, offering an impressive array of educational avenues tailored to empower individuals and transform businesses within the industry.

Premier Education for Automotive Professionals


  • These sessions foster an environment for analysis and discussion, enabling participants to extract actionable insights for significant process improvements. Essential Service Advisor: A two-day, online, interactive course that imparts key knowledge and skills necessary to surprise and delight your customers during every interaction.
  • Digital Marketing Bootcamp: Learn the foundations of digital marketing, including common terminology, business processes and best practices recommended by industry leaders.

Professional Series

For those seeking to break into the automotive industry or aiming for advancement, the Professional Series serves as a pivotal gateway. With department-specific modules covering Sales, Service, Parts and Office roles, this series delivers comprehensive training tailored to individual career trajectories. Accessible both in-person and via live online sessions, it accommodates the bustling schedules of automotive professionals nationwide.

Education Subscription

With an aim to empower entire dealership teams, the Education Subscription provides access to a wealth of educational resources. From Professional Series classes to Academy Seminars, this subscription model ensures comprehensive learning at an affordable monthly price.

Advanced Seminars

Delve deeper into the intricacies of specific dealership departments with immersive seminars designed for managers. The flexibility of in-person week-long training or live virtual classrooms over a month ensures accessibility for diverse learning preferences.


Geared toward current and aspiring dealership leaders, the Academy is a beacon for enhancing departmental profitability and embracing technological innovations. Through a meticulous blend of fundamental teachings and cutting-edge industry insights, this program nurtures a holistic understanding of automotive business operations. Whether through in-person classroom sessions or structured live virtual classrooms, the Academy empowers leaders to steer their businesses toward excellence.


Energizing growth and profitability, Engage offers a unique platform for professional development. This interactive environment, facilitated by industry experts, fosters noncompetitive peer interactions. Leveraging NADA’s exclusive financial composite and Analytics digital tools, participants explore avenues to bolster their dealership’s bottom line.

20 Group

Uniting industry leaders, the 20 Group program is a hub for shared knowledge and collective growth. Designed for dealers and managers, it provides access to OEM-specific financial and digital composites, ensuring informed decision-making. Regular meetings coupled with ongoing support from peers and consultants foster continual improvement and profitability.

Tailored Training

Customized to fit varying location, audience and departmental needs, NADA’s Tailored Training program offers in-house specialized learning opportunities, catering directly to specific dealership requirements. We bring the best of NADA and ATD education right to your dealership.

Abundant Resources for Continuous Development

Beyond structured programs, NADA and ATD offer a trove of resources.

  • Resource Center: Featuring a catalog of free-to-members educational materials, including webinars and workshops, to support dealership growth.
  • Driven Management Guides: Over 70 guides covering critical dealership operation topics, available as PDFs.
  • Workshops: On-demand presentations from the annual NADA Show, directly accessible for dealership enrichment.
  • Dealership Job Descriptions: Over 100 job templates to help craft precise job descriptions and employment ads.
  • Webinars: On-demand sessions led by industry experts, addressing key dealership issues.
  • Online Courses: Interactive courses incorporating real-world simulations, fostering engagement and knowledge retention.
  • DiSC Assessment: An insightful assessment providing behavioral insights, serving as an “operator’s manual for employees.”

The comprehensive NADA and ATD programs, complemented by an extensive array of resources, foster excellence and innovation within the automotive retail landscape. Whether shaping emerging talent or refining the skills of seasoned professionals, these educational avenues pave the way for a brighter, more competitive road ahead in automotive retail. Get started at www.nada.org/education.

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